Like this thinking a lot, and answers a lot of the probs with personas. I especially resonate with the idea that people are striving for identity rather than anything else - that ‘everything else’s is an expression of their identity

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Really like this view of archetypes, Michael.

Expanding on your point about navigating archetypical shifts – it’s not just about flexibility, but also about foresight. Brands that can anticipate the evolving needs and narratives of their consumer base are better positioned to maintain relevance over time. Take Netflix, for instance, initially aligning with the "Explorer" archetype by offering an expansive library of content for discovery. As viewing habits and content preferences evolved, Netflix shifted towards the "Creator" archetype by producing original content that appealed to viewers' desire for unique, diverse stories. This foresight into changing consumer narratives allowed Netflix to stay ahead in the streaming game.

Here's a food for thought: How can brands effectively track and adapt to these evolving consumer archetypes without losing their core identity? Thanks for an illuminating post.

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Thanks Mark. I agree with you - foresight is key, understanding consumer shifts is so important. You ask how to adapt without losing identity - certainly this is one of the 'risks' of brand archetypes: some quick thoughts....brands should (and do) have sub archetypes below their core identity. Examples? Archetype-specific product lines

like Coca-Cola's Diet Coke and Coke Zero target different health-conscious consumer archetypes. Another - Spotify: creates personalized playlists based on micro-segments within listener archetypes.

Generally, its about continuous market research, big data and AI-driven analytics to identify emerging patterns, Trend forecasting-the expertise to anticipate future shifts in consumer archetypes., and perhaps brand storytelling

tailored to resonate with different archetypes while maintaining core themes. (I teach trend forecasting and follow consumer trends very closely). Thanks for your comment.

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